Monday, May 17, 2010
2nd Book Talk Review
I think my 2nd book talk review went pretty alright. The positive thing about this book talk is I think I got a pretty good score for it, and I did it in front of a group of students which I think is easier. I think the group like my Glog, and they gave me extra credit. The negative parts of this book talk are that I had only one day to plan everything, and I think we should have more time. I had some technical’s problem during my book talk which I couldn't show my prop. I also think I should talk more clearly, and I stop telling a long, rambling summary. I should finish my book talk in less than 2 minutes next time.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
D.Gray Man Dynamics

Allen Walker is a dynamic person. As a kid, he was abandoned by his parents because of his weird looking arm. He was token care by Mana Walker who was a stranger just passing by. He told Allen to keep walking and never look back. Eventually Mana died, and Allen became an apprentice of Cross Marian who always abused him, but he trained him to be a strong exorcist. When Allen childhood friend became an akuma, he had to kill him, even though it wasn't him on the inside. To earn his title as an exorcist, he kills his friend despite his appearance. The event turned Allen's hair from brown to white. Allen experiences that life can go to wrong direction, but make your new path a positive one.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Prediction For Hoops
During silent reading time, I was reading Hoops. The main character is depressed, and he has no idea why. He started to drink Scotch, and play basketball to treat his depression. He works at Grant which is a hotel, and he always kick it at that place when he gets into an argument with his mother. The main character is Lonnie Jack and his father told him that his days will pile up on him. While Lonnie went to shoot some hoops, he meets a homeless person who threatened him with a knife, but he is drunk. I predict the homeless person will somehow help Lonnie in the future. Also I predict basketball will help a tragedy, or problem he will face during the future.

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Second Independent Book Character Decision

I have decided to not read The Wounded Spirit anymore because I didn't enjoy reading it. I chose to read D. Gray Man instead, and it is by Katsura Hoshino because it looks way more interesting than The Wounded Spirit. D. Gray Man main character is Allen Walker who is an exorcist that kills akuma. An akuma is a weapon for the devil which is created by the soul, and despair of a human. The akuma has no control of its actions, and just kill humans in order to evolve. The devil is the Millennium Earl who calls upon people who are mourning their love ones, and turning them to akumas. Allen killed his own friend who turned to an akuma, and this decision made him have the title to be called an exorcist. I agree with his decision to kill his own friend because now after learning what the Millennium Earl did to his friend, he is confident to stop and kill him. Also I like how Allen’s personality with everyone is being friendly because he can gain people’s trust easily, but I don’t like about him is that he is too soft sometimes.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Second Independent Reading Book Connection

My second independent reading book is The Wounded Spirit by Frank Pereti. The book can connect to the Greek mythological god, Zeus. A specific quote from The Wounded Spirit is, "Mr. M, fearsome authority figure with a permanent scowl and a voice that yelled - and only yelled - ordered them to strip down," shows Mr. M is bullying his students with his authoritative power. Zeus is like Mr. M because if he makes a mistakes, he tries to fix it, but it only benefits him and doesn't benefit the other. For example, in the movie Clash of the Titans, Zeus decisions are final where he wanted Perseus to live as a happy child, and Calibos was to be punished. It shows Zeus is abusing his powers for what he wants.
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Book Talk Review
I think my book talk overall went pretty good. I only rehearsed it once with Johnnie. I mentioned some of the stuff from my book, and I think I answered every question for the rubric. I think I could have brought a better visual aid for my book talk instead of a candy, but since I kind of did this in the last minute, I couldn't. I just wrote notes on my card, and didn't write a long speech to avoid that long summary. I think what I could of done better is speak more clearer because I was kind of nervous which might lower some points. I hope I can use this experience to help better myself doing a book talk.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Dynamic Main Characters
I think Yuuki is dynamic because in the beginning of the story she has no memories of herself before she was 5 years old. "It's so cold... pure white... snow... why is it so white, what is snow, it's... not suppose to be red, so where is all the red... coming from...?" The quote shows she felt like she was nothing to the world, but when level E vampire attacked her, she was saved by Kaname. After she was saved from Kaname, Yuuki seems to be in love with him, and she has a dream where humans and vampires could coexist with one another. Yuuki later in the book is a determine person and with a lot of heart. Zero who is also another main character of the story is dynamic. Zero parents’ were murdered by pure blood vampires who are the most powerful vampires and few exist. After Zero parents were murdered, he showed pure hatred for them for example the quote, "The reason why they look like humans... are so they can hunt us down more efficiently" The secret Zero had been that he was becoming a vampire because he was bitten by the pure blood. I find that Zero who is becoming a vampire still has hatred for them.

Sunday, March 7, 2010
Recommendation of the Book

I would recommend this book for others to read like Johnnie who is a manga freak. He told me he only read manga and watches anime at home which makes this manga perfect for him. I think he likes adventures or mystery genre. The book is filled with secrets, and dark pasts. It has to do with supernatural beings like vampires. My favorite part of the book so far is where the night class students try to bit Yuuki neck from the scent of her cut with blood. I don't think the book has any weaknesses except I wonder how Kaname never ages or why he is only kind to Yuuki when is cold hearted to everyone else.
Main Character's Decision
I do not agree with the main character decision. Yuuki thinks Kaname won't harm any humans after he saved her life when was a young girl. Yuuki thinks people and vampires can coexist with each other, but I disagree because vampires can only come out during the night time. Although I disagree with Yuuki, I would like to agree with Zero that the vampires are planning something. He thinks the vampires took the form of humans not to hide themselves, but to hunt humans more efficiently. After a vampire assassinated Zero parents, who wouldn't feel deep hatred for them. I think monsters shouldn't be trusted at all, but they can be trusted if they prove themselves.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
The Secret School

I read a book called The Secret School which I haven't finished yet. The author of the book was Avi. The main character is Ida Bidson who is fourteen years old, and has a brother name Felix who is 17. Ida wants to become a teacher, but she has to graduate middle school and attend high school. One day Ida's teacher has to go out of town to take care of family business, and the school had closed down. Ida and the class decided to keep the school open in secret, and they voted Ida would be teaching them. So far I don't think I don't want to finish the book because it looks too easy to read, and might choose another one.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Fullmetal Alchemist Photo Explaination

The image above shows that there must be balance in the world. It explains the law of equivalent exchange. The theme of the book somehow connects to the image of equilibrium. For example, the theme was one cannot achieve anything without risking anything puts the balance of sacrificing something to get something. Edward traded his right arm and left leg while Alphonse traded his body for Edward becoming a state alchemist even that wasn't their first goal. Edward decided to become a state alchemist to get their bodies back, but in order to achieve that they must give something back.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Mini Theme Analysis Bleach
I read the book which was a manga called Bleach by Tite Kubo. The theme of the book was don't be afraid of your own powers, instead use your own powers to help others in need. An example of this theme in the book was when Ichigo was afraid to put his own life ahead for a stranger's life. A hollow comes and attacks the young boy, and Ichigo needs to know that his power is a responsibility. So in the end Ichigo decides to use his power to protect others.I think this theme can connect to Spider-Man. It can relate to Spider-Man's theme which is with great powers comes great responsibilities. In Spider-Man, Peter Parker learns that his great power was a gift to protect everyone similar to Ichigo. Also Ichigo and Peter Parker have heroic qualities like being brave, strong, and good judgment which makes them the antagonist of the story.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Ghosts of Fear Street Prediction
Well the ending of the book was where Andrew became a vampire and started to look at T.J. neck craving to bite it, and telling T.J. that he'll understand soon enough meaning Andrew is going to turn T.J. to a vampire. I predict T.J. and Andrew will be killed somewhere in their life because people in Fear Street might be scared of vampires, and to prevent them from turning other people to vampires, the people have to kill Andrew and T.J. I also think T.J. and Andrew will have a lot of fun being vampires because they always wanted to become one, and start pranking and scaring everyone for their own entertainment. Like all goods thing happen, there is also a bad thing where T.J. and Andrew in order to live must not be out in the sun, and try to suck blood off of people or animals against their wills. Most of the time being vampires for T.J. and Andrew is very depressing, not able to do what they could do in the past, and living the life of a vampire is tough. This fits to the theme don't always wish what you want because you just might get it.

Thursday, January 21, 2010
Odysseus Heroic Qualities
Odysseus is a role model trying to save his men during his long, and eventful journey. Superheroes I see today are also role models, always saving the day and fighting bad guys. They are both quick thinkers like when Odysseus had to come up with a plan to trick the cyclopes, or an example of a superhero is Spider-Man where he saves the civilians and Marry Jane at the same time. Being hero isn't all that fun, a hero must be responsible and have the sense of justice to make the right choice. The most important quality for Odysseus is probably being brave and stand up to anything that comes into his way, which this quality makes an idea of my own hero. I think most heroes should be kind, and Odysseus needs to be kind.
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