Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Highlights/Lowlights of Reading

I think reading books, articles, and essays was fairly valuable to me. I hate reading and still do and think it is a pain. At least though I learned some new words I didn't understand before. I learned some literary devices like symbols or motifs. Also I learned how identify themes much easier, and all these lessons are valuable to me. The lowlights of reading this year was that it took too much of my time. I had a hard time picturing in my head what I was reading so I couldn't understand a book much. I consider reading as boring because most books or articles don't have pictures in it.


  1. Read only Manga! It is best book ever! Reverse style is ftw! ;D Happy Face!

  2. ok, I know Manga rocks, but I think you should continue to branch out and read a variety of books. That makes you a well-rounded person and you learn so much about the world.
